Wednesday, October 29, 2008

my essay based on games:

my plans:
I plan and proving my statement as a fact that the games played by minors actually effect who they become and how our surroudings form.I mean there are games our there in which can become brainwashers for young kids who are young and learning. The game i chose for my report is called "the game of life" I chose this game because the name just called out to me i mean can it get any more specific .I went looking for a game similar to life like activities and turn around and theres like a pile of games name the game of life ,i mean do i have to look any forward? nope,so I brought the game its a bit odd ,not what i expected but its okay for kids i guess.
In the game you live your own life and choose your own paths,I plan on researching and comparing old games and the new games being invented now.

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