Tuesday, October 28, 2008

game store trip

The first store we visited was toys r us our assignment was to answer or atleast try to figure out what the differnece between a toy and a game is.I think that a toy is an item in which you play the way you decide you want to play .A game is also a toy but in a game you have rules and instructions when in a toy you make your own rules and whatnot .
Our next stop was to game stop this place was a bit more empty because at the end of the store they had a room for matches and im guessing that is the main attraction in this store because they didnt have many varieties in thier game sections.
The complete strategist was a very distinguished place, i personally liked this game store because each game had an actual purpose .They werent just easy everyday games they were skill games in which you have fun and at the same time your learnign and becoming more sharp with your skill points.
Neutral ground was a place similar to toys r us but they were slacking more games like theyre store was very limited.
I think i learned an imense amount on games due to what i left home knowing.i mean i used to think that only geeks went into stores like the complete strategist but as i skimmed through games i found many interseting ones in which i myself was found at times wanting to but several.I decided to buy a game from toys r us named the game of life ,i decided on this game because the title was very revealing it was a no brainer.I did play the game and found it to be quite intersting ,my little sister enjoyed it as well.I am planning on writing my essay based on this game "the game of life".


Lisha said...

thats true a toy is a game where u make of ur own rules i didn't think of it like that. The Game of Life is a really good game

Shekira said...

heyy..i also like the game of life its fun..i think you enjoyed yourself..n the way u describe that one store about the games being their and having their own purpose it seems like a cool store

Jeannie said...

i remember playing the game of life a long time ago.